Research & Fellowships

The surgeons at Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Centre (POSMC) are committed to ongoing research for prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal illness and disorders.

Our Surgeons Image
Dr Greg Janes, Dr Greg Witherow
& Dr Travis Falconer
Lower limb, Knee and Shoulder.1 February 2024 to 31 July 2024
Dr Peter Annear & Dr Jens BuelowSports knee surgery, Knee replacement and Hip replacement.1 August 2024 to 31 January 2025
Dr Ross Radic (Chief Supervisor), Dr Anthony Liddell and Dr Sam Young (Co Supervisors)Perth Knee Fellowship7 August 2024 to 6 February 2025

Diseases such as arthritis, tendinopathies, orthopaedic infections, musculoskeletal tumours and the long term sequelae of trauma place a huge burden on the patient and the health system. Our research is focused upon preventing these illnesses, minimising the impact of them on the patient and the community, as well as refining surgical techniques, innovating new surgical implants and gaining a greater understanding of the diseases and their natural progression. The Research Institute is formed primarily by the surgeons themselves, as well as vast team of investigators, including trainee orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, statisticians and medical students.

The Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Research Institute not only aims further the technical expertise of each surgeon in their individual sub-specialty area, but also to benefit the wider international orthopaedic community as a whole, and the general public, as individuals accessing a wide variety of orthopaedic services. This is demonstrated through the breadth of peer-reviewed publications that have been published in world renowned orthopaedic and musculoskeletal journals that have been produced by the surgeons of the Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine (POSM) Research Institute. The focus of these publications crosses a wide range of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, joint replacements, tendon repairs, infections, treatment of tumours, biomechanics, the natural history of musculoskeletal problems and sports related illnesses and injuries. These publications can be found in the database below.

The POSM Research Institute is a not-for-profit institute that strives to produce the highest quality evidence based orthopaedic research that can be applicable to the wider community on a number of levels. The POSM Research Institute works closely with the training orthopaedic surgeons in Perth, as well as the travelling Fellows from all over the world.The Institute provides these trainees an opportunity to further their own research and orthopaedic training while they are working with the POSMC surgeons, so that they can apply this knowledge to their practice upon their return home.

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Follow the link below for more information on how to apply for a fellowship.

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