About Us
Perth Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Centre was founded in 1988 by Dr Keith Holt, to bring the then new techniques of arthroscopic reconstructive surgery to the sporting community.

Leading Research and Training
The clinic pioneered arthroscopic reconstructive surgery in this state and, through its reputation, has attracted internationally trained orthopaedic surgeons to its fellowship programs for over 20 years. This on-going commitment to the medical education of Orthopaedic Specialists is combined with commitments to the Perth Orthopaedic Registrar Training Program, the Sports Medicine Physician Program and, through seminars and talks, to the wider medical community.
Our Fellowship Program
Research Institute
Our practitioners founded the Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Research Institute, a not-for-profit organisation that strives to produce the highest quality evidence based orthopaedic research and to provide training for both local and international training orthopaedic surgeons.

A Proud History
As well as pioneering arthroscopic reconstructive surgery in Western Australia, the clinic has expanded to include other, fellowship trained, Sub-specialist Orthopaedic Surgeons and a Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician. With the exception of spinal surgery, all aspects of musculo-skeletal medicine are catered for. It has a national reputation for the treatment of knee injuries, shoulder injuries, and sports surgery.